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P. Debertolis, V.M. Hocza: “Rapporto di Novembre 2010 sui Tunnel di Ravne – Teorie sui manufatti e le strutture”, SB Research Group, Università degli studi di Trieste, 2010.
P. Debertolis, V.M. Hocza: “Rapporto di Novembre 2010 sui Tunnel di Ravne – Le misurazioni iniziali”, SB Research Group, Università degli studi di Trieste, 2010.
P. Debertolis, L. Krasovec Lucas, S. Acconci, V.M. Hocza: “Definitive report on our first scouting into the new section of Ravne’s Labyrinth in December 2010”, SB Research Group, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2010.
L. Krasovec Lucas, P. Debertolis, S. Hodović, G. Antonić: “The design of History”, Proceedings of the Congress “S.A.V.E. Heritage – Safeguard of Architectural, Visual, Environmental Heritage”, Naples, June 9-11, 2011.
P. Debertolis, S. Acconci: “Interesting finding in Ravne’s tunnels in Bosnia”, SB Research Group, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2011.
P. Debertolis, H. Savolainen: “Research of ultrasound wave emissions by megalithic structures in Visoko Valley”,abstract, 2nd ICBP, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2011.
P. Debertolis, L. Krasovec Lucas: “Topographical survey and analysis by GPR for the structure recently found in Ravne Labyrinth”, abstract, 2nd ICBP, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2011.
P. Debertolis, H. Savolianen, C. Barisano “The phenomenon of resonance in the Labyrinth of Ravne. Preliminary results”, SB Research Group, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2012.
P. Debertolis, H.A. Savolainen: “The phenomenon of resonance in the Labyrinth of Ravne (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Results of testing” Proceedings of ARSA Conference (Advanced Research in Scientific Areas): 1133-36, Bratislava (Slovakia), December, 3 – 7, 2012
P. Debertolis, N. Bisconti: “L’Archeologia Odontoiatrica e il suo rapporto con la patologia odontostomatologica” (Archaeological Dentistry and its Relationship with Oral Pathology) (poster), XX° Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti, Roma 18-20 aprile 2013
P. Debertolis, N. Bisconti: “Archaeoacoustics in ancient sites”, Proceedings of the “1st International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results” (SCIECONF 2013): 306-310, Žilina (Slovakia) June, 10 – 14, 2013
P. Debertolis, N. Bisconti: “Archaeoacoustics analysis and ceremonial customs in an ancient hypogeum”, Sociology Study, Vol.3 no.10, October 2013, pp. 803-814; 2013
P. Debertolis, S. Mizdrak, H. Savolainen: “The Research for an Archaeoacoustics Standard”, Proceedings of 2nd ARSA Conference (Advanced Research in Scientific Areas): 305-310, Bratislava (Slovakia), December, 3 – 7, 2013.
P. Debertolis, N. Bisconti: “Archaeoacoustics analysis of an ancient hypogeum in Italy”, Proceedings of Conference “Archaeoacoustics: The Archaeology of Sound”, Malta, February 19 – 22, 2014: 131-139; 2014.
P. Debertolis, G. Tirelli, F. Monti. “Systems of acoustic resonance in ancient sites and related brain activity”, Proceedings of Conference “Archaeoacoustics. The Archaeology of Sound”, Malta, February 19 – 22, 2014: 59-65; 2014.
P. Debertolis, L. Eneix: “Preliminary Report from the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum Acoustic Project”, Procedings of Conference, “Archaeoacoustics. The Archaeology of Sound”, Malta, February 19 – 22, 2014: 66; 2014.
P. Debertolis, N. Earl: “Analysis in Gozo”, Procedings of Conference, “Archaeoacoustics. The Archaeology of Sound”, Malta, February 19 – 22, 2014: 140; 2014.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, F. Richeldi: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of an ancient hypogeum using the new TRV camera (Variable Resonance Camera) technology”, Proceedings of the “2nd International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results” (SCIECONF 2014), Žilina (Slovakia) June, 9 – 13, 2014: 323-329; 2014.
P. Debertolis, N. Earl: “Forensic Imaging in Athropology”, Proceedings of the “2nd Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference (HASSAC), Žilina, (Slovakia), November 17-21, 2014: 206-212; 2014.
P. Debertolis, A. Tentov, D. Nicolic, G. Marianovic, H. Savolainen, N. Earl: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of the ancient site of Kanda (Macedonia)”, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference ARSA (Advanced Research in Scientific Areas), Žilina (Slovakia), December, 1-5, 2014, pp. 237-251.
P. Debertolis, F. Coimbra, L. Eneix: “Archaeoacoustic Analysis of the ĦalSaflieni Hypogeum in Malta”, Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, Vol. 3 (1), 2015, pp. 59-79.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Anthropological analysis of human body emissions using new photographic technologies”, Proceedings in Scientific Conference “The 3rd International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (SCIECONF-2015)”, Slovakia, Žilina, May 25-29, 2015; Volume 3, Issue 1: 162-168.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of the ancient town of Alatri in Italy”, British Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, September, Vol. 2, (3), 2015, pp. 1-29.
P. Debertolis, M. Zivic: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of Cybele’s temple, Roman Imperial Palace of Felix Romuliana, Serbia”, Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, Vol. 3 (2), 2015, pp. 1-19.
P. Debertolis, D. Nicolić, G. Marianović, H. Savolainen, N. Earl, N. Ristevski: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of Kanda Hill in Macedonia. Study of the peculiar EM phenomena and audio frequency vibrations”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference ARSA (Advanced Research in Scientific Areas), Žilina (Slovakia), November 9-13, 2015, pp.169-177.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Preliminary Archaeoacoustic Analysis of a Temple in the Ancient Site of Sogmatar in South-East Turkey. Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics II: The Archaeology of Sound’, Istanbul (Turkey), Oct 30-31 Nov 1, 2016, pp. 137-148.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “New Technologies of Analysis in Archaeoacoustics”, Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics II: The Archaeology of Sound’, Istanbul (Turkey), Oct 30-31 Nov 1, 2015, pp. 33-50.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Healing aspects identified by archaeoacoustic techniques in Slovenia”, Proceedings of the ‘3rd International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results’ (SCIECONF 2016), Žilina (Slovakia), June 6-10, 2016, pp. 147-155.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Vibrations and natural phenomena in ancient sites affecting the brain activity. How to study the mind in the archaeological sites”, Proceedings of International Conference: “ANCIENT GREECE AND THE MODERN WORLD – The Influence of Greek Thought on Philosophy, Science and Technology“, Conference Centre, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia (Archaeological Site), Greece, 28-31 August 2016. In press.
P. Debertolis, N. Earl: “Archaeoacoustics in ancient civilizations. How to approach this new complementary discipline to archaeology”, Proceedings of International Conference: “ANCIENT GREECE AND THE MODERN WORLD – The Influence of Greek Thought on Philosophy, Science and Technology“, Conference Centre, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia (Archaeological Site), Greece, 28-31 August 2016. In press.
P. Debertolis, N. Earl, M. Zivić: “Archaeoacoustic Analysis of Tarxien Temples in Malta”, Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, vol. 4 n.1, pp 7-27, 2016.
P. Debertolis, D. Nikolić, N. Tarabella: “Archaeoastronomy at Kanda geoglyph, Macedonia”, Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-6, 2016.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, F. Piovesana: “Archaeoacoustic research in the ancient castle of Gropparello in Italy”, Proceedings in the Congress “The 5th Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas” (ARSA-2016) Slovakia, November 9 – 11, 2016: pp. 98-104.
N. Tarabella, P. Debertolis: “Archaeoacoustics in Archaeology”, Proceedings in19th International Conference and Assembly of the Experts of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco “HERITAGE FOR PLANET EARTH 2017 – Smart Travel, Smart Architecture and Heritage Conservation and its Enjoyment for Dialogue”, Florence, Italy, 11-12 March 2017. In press.
P. Debertolis, N. Earl, N. Tarabella: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of Xaghra Hypogeum, Gozo, Malta”, Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, 2017. In press.
C. Ventura, D. Gullà, M. Graves, A. Bergonzoni, R. Tassinari, C. Cavallini, J. von Stietencron: “Cell melodies: when sound speaks to stem cells”, CellR4 2017; 5 (2): e2331.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Archaeoacoustic Exploration of Montebello Castle (Rimini, Italy)”, Art Human Open Acc J 1(1): 00003, DOI: 10.15406/ahoaj.2017.01.00003.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, H. Savolainen: “Archaeoacoustic Analysis in Enclosure D at Göbekli Tepe in South Anatolia, Turkey”, Proceedings of the “2nd Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference (HASSAC), Žilina, (Slovakia), September 25-29, 2017: pp. 107-114; 2017.
P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, N. Tarabella, L. Marcuccetti: “Definitive Results at Archaeoacoustic Analysis at Alatri Acropolis”, Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics III: The Archaeology of Sound’, Tomar (Portugal), October 5-8, 2017; pp. 33-43; 2018.
N. Tarabella, P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, L. Marcuccetti: “Fireplace and holy altar in Curiceta, Apuan Alps, Italy”, Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics III: The Archaeology of Sound’, Tomar (Portugal), October 5-8, 2017; pp. 209-219; 2018.
I. Lovász, P. Debertolis: “Archaeoacoustic approach of the Rotunda in Bény”, Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics III: The Archaeology of Sound’, Tomar (Portugal), October 5-8, 2017; pp. 111-120; 2018.
N. Tarabella, P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, R. Romero: “The ancient knowledge of sound. Archaeoacoustic analysis of the Pyramid of Bomarzo and the sorroundig areas in Lazio, Italy”, Proceedings in 20th International Conference and Assembly of the Experts of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco “HERITAGE FOR PLANET EARTH 2018 – One Planet, One Origin, Many Cultures, One Shared Destiny, Or None!“, Florence, Italy, March 3-4, 2018: in press.
P. Debertolis, N. Tarabella, L. Marcuccetti: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of a dolmen on Mount Freddone, Italy”, Proceedings in Scientific Conference “The 6th International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (SCIECONF-2018)”, Slovakia, Žilina, June 25 – 29, 2018; Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 101 -108.
N. Tarabella, P. Debertolis, R. Romero, G. Feo: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of Poggio Rota Stone Circle in Tuscany, Italy”, Proceedings in 21th International Conference and Assembly of the Experts of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco “HERITAGE FOR PLANET EARTH 2019 – Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, Florence, Italy, March 1-3, 2019: in press.
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